Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beginning of Year Info

Here is some very important information from Mrs. Lauer.

Please bring the FIRST DAY FORMS to Meet the Teacher Day on Friday, August 19th
(New Students entering during the school year please bring these forms with you on your childs' first day)

Click here for First Day Forms

Communicating with Mrs. Lauer:  The best way to contact me is via email.  Should there me any changes to pick-up arrangements you should contact the front office as I can not guarantee that I will get emails before the end of the day.

Absences: You are required to send in a note with your child on their return to school after an absence.  Otherwise the absence will not be excused.

Birthday Celebrations:  Birthday's are so special to a first grader. You are welcome to send in a small (not too sugary) treat to share with the class during our afternoon snack time.  Please make sure that these treats are individual servings... it is too difficult to manage cakes and such. Please let me know when you are planning to send something in so I can include it in our plans.

Conferences: There will be a formal conference at the end of first quarter with each family.  I usually plan conferences at 7:45 am.  This is the best time for me as I often have afternoon staff meetings. Communication is key and I welcome an open dialogue with parents.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I will do likewise :o)

Lunch: Kids love to have a visitor at lunch.  You can meet our class outside of the Oasis Cafeteria doors at our designated lunch time (see schedule).  Please do not meet us in the classroom.  It can be disruptive to our learning and the learning of others.  You will need a visitors' badge at the front desk.  All visitors must be cleared through the county.  Bring your Photo ID with you.
Please send nutritional items. I always encourage students to bring home uneaten foods so that you are aware of what they did/did not eat while at school.  Should your child be purchasing food you may want to contact Linda Miller, our Oasis Manager, to find out how to monitor purchases in the food lines (they can go through a lot of $ in that line when they are 6 years old! )

Recess: Children need to be active.  I will not take away recess time for unfinished class work.

Footwear: We do physical activity on a daily basis.  Sneakers are the best and safest choice for feet.  Sneakers MUST be worn on PE days for your child to participate.

Volunteering:  I LOVE VOLUNTEERS! If you are interested than we need to talk!
All adults that enter the school or attend field trips as chaperones MUST be cleared by the front desk.  I encourage you to contact the front desk to ensure that you are cleared. Please leave younger siblings at home.  We love them but they can be disruptive to the learning environment.

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